The Island by Robert Darch
As with pretty much any photo book that catches my attention, the initial lure has to be the work itself. In the case of The Island it...
As with pretty much any photo book that catches my attention, the initial lure has to be the work itself. In the case of The Island it...
To find out that Price Harrison has a successful career in architecture and design comes as no surprise. An initial examination of his...
Why shouldn't a zine get as much attention as a book? The answer of course, is that there is no reason. The zine is merely (generally...
I have no idea whether Dutch photographer Jennifer Drabbe has affiliations to the fashion industry, however if not then her debut...
Cultural identity and commerce, a fine balancing act. Stefan Canham's study of the northern Vietnamese town Sapa, highlights not only...
On one of our all too infrequent visits to New York some years ago we were sitting on a subway train trying to head back to our hotel, I...
This was my first ever photo book article. I sent it to Martin Amis at Photobook Store way back in 2015 and the first steps on a...
What is it about sad songs? On occasion they can remind you that you are not alone, an arm around a shoulder, or a friend in a time of...
There but for the grace of God. If I had encountered Miro Kuzmanovic's Signs by the Roadside last year then my reaction to it would...
If you go down to the woods today..... When I was a child I (like many no doubt) I recall this rhyme being sung to me by voices with...
I was lucky enough to be aware of Tiane Doan Na Champassak pretty much from the time his books started to appear. From the moment I first...
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. In 2019 a parcel arrived for my attention from Venezuela. A small - around 20 x 20 cm - square...
ln the ever swelling ocean of photo books that continues to deliver us a new catch on an almost daily basis, it becomes increasingly...
The dream and the dreamer. Greek philosophy has formed the cornerstone of many of the building blocks that occupy modern thinking. The...
Sakiko Nomura Another Black Darkness Sakiko Nomura has been associated with brooding dark shadowy portraits and nudes since she first...
Daisuke Yokota Taratine - Session Press / Immerse - Akina books Another stunning production from session Press beautifully fusing a...
Tom Lecky is quietly becoming a master storyteller. A superb puppeteer and manipulator of narrative. His blurring of worlds and...
A uniquely unsettling publication. As it’s title suggests, when released in 2015 this volume contained the photographer’s entire output....
In 2021 whilst scrolling through the vast and unpredictable wilderness of Instagram, I happened across a photographer with a unique...
I was so rooting for this to be the winner of the Mack First Book award for 2020, when the publisher announced the list and posted teaser...